Disney fans have caught “Muppet Mayhem”! Not long ago, a rumor circulated that Muppets would be taking over Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster in light of the (unconfirmed) news that the ride would be getting a retheme. This isn’t true, at least not yet it’s not.
The rumor began with this photo of Josh D’Amaro with The Electric Mayhem Band:
The picture was an advertising bit to promote The Muppets Mayhem, a new show on Disney+. However, eagle-eyed fans notice the Pic is staged an awful lot like the pre-show for Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster. Pretty soon, photoshopped images like this started popping up all over the place:
It seems like a ridiculous idea. A rock and roll Muppet coaster? It turns out people are actually here for it. Fans on Twitter and Reddit have discussed the idea and overwhelmingly approve.
Corey Jenkins came with jokes. It’s definitely true that Steven Tyler is showing his age. There’s even a popular meme comparing him to a little old grandma.
/u/CubesFan even has ideas for how the pre-show could work! after watching The Muppets Mayhem, we have to admit that he’s got a point.
Florida Man is cleary not a fan of re-themes (neither are we, we don’t like change). This one, however, doesn’t seem so bad to him.
/u/Adorable _Depths2238 thinks the Muppets make more sense than Aerosmith (we’ve got to admit, with no Disney connection, Aerosmith does seem an odd choice).
I dismissed the idea as outrageous at first. In fact, I laughed to myself that anyone would believe this. I mean, the Muppets in a rock and roll roller coaster? It’s clearly absurd. Right?
The more I thought about it, though, the more I loved the idea. The Muppets have been around since 1976, so clearly, they’ve got staying power. Since they aren’t human, they’ll never face the kind of scandal Steven Tyler is currently trying facing which would force a retheme. Also, and possibly the reason I love this idea the most is that the Muppets can cover almost anything. Without being limited to a specific band’s catalog, the Muppets would take the list of potential songs for the ride and send it through the roof!
Time will tell if this idea will ever see the light of day. Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster supposedly reopens June 3, 2023. I don’t think it has been long enough to retheme the attraction. I truly think it will reopen with Aerosmith. But who knows what could happen in the future? With the new “listening to the guests” Disney, maybe they’ll hear us and bring us the Coaster we didn’t know we wanted but definitely needed.