“Guests Behaving Badly” shouldn’t be a regular feature here. When a guest breaks the rules, it ought to be an uncommon occurrence. It shouldn’t happen with such regularity that we have a name for it. Sadly though, that isn’t the case. Many think they are above the rules or that rules are merely suggestions. Guests are increasingly putting themselves and others in unsafe situations and ruining the magic for others. This needs to stop. No Guest is above the rules.
“I Paid So Much To Be Here”
Disney is expensive. The expense doesn’t mean you get to break the rules. Everyone has paid the same money and is subject to the same rules. The excuse that it’s expensive and, therefore, you’re entitled to rule-breaking is absurd. The rules are out in place for guest and cast safety. They also prevent one person from spoiling it for everyone else. You agreed to the rules when you booked and paid for your Walt Disney World Vacation.
No one is going to cater to your every whim either, and you don’t get to expect that. Cast Members work hard to create magic for every guest, but they are not your servant, and you don’t have the right to expect that. There are destinations where this is ok. Charter a yacht. On a yacht, the idea that “he who spends the gold makes the rules” reigns supreme. Those vacations cost upwards of $50,000/week. Disney is expensive, but not that expensive. Adjust your expectations accordingly.
“I’m an Influencer”
Listen, you’ve got an Instagram or a Tiktok account. Good for you. So does nearly everyone else. Oh, you’ve got a big following? I’ve got 20k followers on one of my Disney accounts. I don’t think I’m special, and guess what? Neither are you. Your 15 minutes of fame isn’t worth risking your safety (like the people who think the “climbing the castle stunt” is a good idea). Your desire to be the first to show that new spirit jersey isn’t worth pushing that kid out of the way. Trust me. No one cares that much. It’s not an emergency. Nothing you do is going to justify breaking the rules.
We love Disney social media accounts. They let us experience the magic when we can’t be there ourselves. They clue us in on the latest food and merch trends. They are just plain fun. But when they cross the line into rule-breaking, the fun is gone. Don’t be that person.
“I was drunk”
Look, we’ve all been there. We started with margaritas in Mexico, and by the time we got to beers in Germany, we were…shall we say…uninhibited? That is not an excuse to break the rules and be obnoxious. If you find you’ve had a bit too much, it’s time to go. No good ever comes from having a “Hey y’all, watch this” moment in the Parks.
We enjoy our “adult drinks” as much as anyone else. We don’t want to see them go away at Disney because guests who don’t know when it’s “night-night time” couldn’t behave. You’re not as funny as you think, and you’re much louder than you realize. Do everyone a favor and just go to bed.
“I was angry”
Oh, you’re mad? Neat. That kid on his dad’s shoulders blocking my kids’ view upsets me. I’m not going to go cuss the kid’s dad out over it. That line cutter really makes me mad. However, I will find a cast member and report it, not punch them in the face. Yes, it sucks to get bumped into with a stroller. I choose to give the benefit of the doubt, though, because I’ve been there. Sometimes it’s hard to see the ankles in front of the stroller, and accidents happen. Being a grown-up means dealing with it.
It doesn’t matter how angry you are. You don’t get to act a fool because of it. Keeping a level head in the face of anger benefits everyone, including yourself. No kids are traumatized because you had an outburst, and you are banned from Disney Parks.
Guest behavior has gotten so out of control that Disney has even updated their website to remind visitors to behave appropriately. Just remember, we get to let our inner child out to play at Disney World, but that doesn’t mean we let them throw a temper tantrum. Please don’t be our next headline. Just follow the rules.