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Woman Who Loves ‘Frozen’ Is Furious At Ex Over His New Daughter’s Name, Reddit Doesn’t Stand For It

There are hundreds of Disney movies that have been made over the years, and many of them have really dedicated fan bases. These fans watch the movies too many times to count, but themed merchandise, and know all the songs in the movie by heart. Then there are those fans who are so dedicated that they take things one step further — they name a child, or a pet, after one of the characters in their favorite movie. Such is the case with an anonymous woman on Reddit.

Frozen 2
Credit: Disney

The woman recently took to Reddit’s popular forum, “Am I The A**hole”, to ask if she was in the wrong when it came to some recent behavior. The woman claims to love the hit movie Frozen so much that she and her now ex-husband named their daughter Elsa. The two co-parent and have an amicable relationship, but hit a big rough patch when the man spoke to her about his new child on the way. The man said that his new wife thought it would be cute if they named their daughter Anna, to honor Frozen and compliment her older sister’s name.

Things went downhill very fast.

Anna and Elsa Frozen
Credit: D23

Here is the woman’s full post:

My (31F) ex husband (35M) got married less than six months ago with his girlfriend (25F) and she got pregnant very fast, recently he told me that they were having a girl.

I am a huge fan of the movie Frozen, so when our daughter (6F) was born I wanted to name her Elsa and my husband agreed to that. I know it is a little dumb to name your kids after things like that but it is not an super unusual or ugly name, it is pretty and it means a lot to me. My husband and I divorced when our daughter was 3, we don’t hate each other but we are not best friends either.

The issue with the new baby is that he explained to me that after he told his new wife the story behind the name of Elsa, she proposed that their daughter should be named Anna, so they could be sisters like in the movie. For me it is totally unfair that they are stealing my naming process from me like that. What if I have another daughter? It would have been perfect to name her Anna and now I wouldn’t be able to do it without it looking like I am stealing from them. My husband doesn’t even like Frozen that much. He always said his favorite Disney animated movie was Bolt. I don’t know if the mother likes Frozen but I am totally sure she doesn’t like it as much as me.

I demanded to him that they choose another name but he thinks I am acting crazy. I called my divorce lawyer but she doesn’t think there is anything we can do about this. My mother just laughed at me. I feel so defeated. My sadness turned into anger and, in an impulse of rage, I called my ex husband. I told him that if they insisted with using that name, I would made everything I could to sabotage the relationship between our daughter and theirs, so they never were real sisters like Elsa and Anna. He got really angry and said horrible things to me.

I immediately regretted saying what I said and it is not true, I would never do that, but this whole situation has been so horrible for me and now he is really angry too. I think that I am ultimately in the rigth about why they shouldn’t use that name but I was wrong in saying what I said. I want to insist on them picking another name but without going too far.

Anna and Elsa Frozen
Credit: Disney

Fellow Redditors were quick to comment, letting the woman know that she was, in fact, the a**hole. U/nrron used a line from the movie to get their point across.

YTA. Take a cue from your favorite movie and let it go.

U/Guilty_Hunter9304 felt the same way, thinking it was rude that the woman thought she had any say.


Did he ask for your input on names for his daughter? If not (I’m sure he didn’t), then it’s very inappropriate for you to even comment.

Let it go, LET IT GO!!

Anna Frozen
Credit: Disney

Others were shocked and appalled that she would threaten her daughter’s relationship with her new sibling, and even call a lawyer, all because she felt entitled to the name.

I am a huge fan of the movie Frozen, so when our daughter (6F) was born I wanted to name her Elsa and my husband agreed to that. I know it is a little dumb to name your kids after things like that but it is not an super unusual or ugly name, it is pretty and it means a lot to me.

For me it is totally unfair that they are stealing my naming process from me like that.

Your “naming process” is copying a top-grossing children’s movie. If you think you are at all unique or special, or that the names Elsa and Anna didn’t get a huge worldwide bump after the films released, you are deluding yourself.

What’s more, you have no right to dictate another person’s naming choices whatsoever. Why would you have any say in this? What legal action did you imagine you might have? It’s a bizarre break from reality.

I would made everything I could to sabotage the relationship between our daughter and theirs, so they never were real sisters like Elsa and Anna. He got really angry and said horrible things to me.

You are a literal evil stepmother in a disney film. That’s what you are right now. You are, of course, also an asshole.

Credit: Disney

No Redditors had the woman’s back or understood where she was coming from, and they overwhelmingly dubbed her the a**hole.

What do you think of the woman’s behavior?

Krysten Swensen

A born and bred New England girl living the Disney life in Southern California. I love to read, to watch The Golden Girls, and love everything to do with Disney and Universal. I also love to share daily doses of Disney on my Disney Instagram @BrazzleDazzleDisney!

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