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The (Untrue) Disney World Advice You Should Absolutely Ignore

When you take a ride on Kilimanjaro Safari, you expect to see animals. After all, isn’t that the whole point? So naturally, you’d want to see as many as possible during your adventure. How do you make sure that you maximize your viewing for the most memorable experience? Well, as it turns out, the advice that has been popular for years just isn’t true.

Kilimanjaro safari animal kingdom
Credit: Jill Bivins

When a user on Reddit took to the platform to ask if Kilimanjaro Safari is worth it after 2:00 pm, we knew just what they meant. For a long time, well-meaning Disney Parks experts have passed around the advice that Kilimanjaro Safari was best first thing in the morning. From there, the internet advice did what internet does and morphed into the most extreme version, which is “Don’t bother riding if it’s not the first thing in the morning.”

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As it turns out, that’s bad advice. Disney feeds the animals on differing schedules throughout the day, which leads to varying activity levels depending on who just got fed. Each animal also has its own rhythm. Some, like Giraffes, prefer mornings. Others, like Lions, prefer the early evening hours. Hippos are the most fun in the middle of the day when they’ve taken to the water to cool off.

Kilimanjaro safari animal kingdom
Credit: Jill Bivins

Our very own Animal Kingdom expert Isabella Reimer pointed out, “If it’s a nice day (cloudy or breezy), you can go nearly all day and get great activity! It’s the really hot and sunny days that are ‘boring’ unless it’s early in the morning or in the evening because the animals are just like us, and they’re not about that.” She has an excellent point. The best viewing doesn’t depend on the time of day nearly as much as it depends on the weather. Rain or blistering heat will result in a poor viewing experience. Mild, breezy days will result in the most activity.

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Admittedly,  the ride was better in the afternoon back when it had a storyline. Very few probably remember this brief period of the ride’s history but once uoon a time, there was a plot to Kilimanjaro Safari. You embarked on your safari only to encounter signs of illegal poachers. Ever wonder why part of the ride looks like it’s been set on fire? Now you know. You and your safari guide had to go on a daring hunt for the oiachers to save the wildlife preserve. This made the ride interesting even if the animals aren’t as active.

Kilimanjaro safari animal kingdom
Credit: Jill Bivins

No matter when you choose to experience it, Kilimanjaro Safari is a must-do on any visit to Disney’s Animal Kingdom. In fact, one of our favorite things to do at Animal Kingdom is ride multiple times throughout the day. Every ride is different, and we always see things we didn’t on the last ride. Don’t skip it if you happen to come across it in the afternoon. It’s still a fantastic experience. Just try to watch out for girafifc jams!


Jill Bivins

Jill Bivins has been visiting Disney Parks since she was 2 years old and loves sharing her Disney adventures with the world. She likes to say Disney is in her blood and writing is in her bones — so any time she has the opportunity to combine these loves she is one happy camper! She has a deep abiding love for Epcot and as a die hard Star Wars fan has a serious love for Hollywood Studios as well. When she isn't exploring or writing about Disney Parks, Jill is homeschooling her 8 year old son, playing with her brand… More »

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