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Disney’s ‘Mulan:’ What To Try And Definitely NOT Try At Home

Disney’s Mulan is celebrating its 25th anniversary today! On this day in 1998, the world experienced the story of the brave warrior Disney princess who would save China. A quarter of a century later, fans are still belting out ‘Reflection’ into every shiny surface…sometimes even Christina Aguilera’s version!

One thing fans of this Disney Princess agree on is Fa Mulan’s inspiring courage and independent actions. But have you ever been inspired to actually try out some of the things in Mulan’s movie? Here’s a quick guide on some good scenes that’ll be fun to reenact at home and some that you 100% absolutely shouldn’t copy for fear of death or dismemberment.

Green Light – These Safe Mulan Scenes are Good to Go at Home

The Iconic Sleeve Make-Up Removal

disney mulan 1998 makeup sleeve removal satisfying
Credit: Disney

I swear, this is one of the most enviously satisfying scenes in any animated movie. During Mulan’s heart-wrenching power ballad, she lifts up one of her sleeves and EFFORTLESSLY removes half of her full face of makeup in one swoop. I’ve seen people scour the internet for whatever makeup remover Mulan has on her sleeve in this scene. So while you might not find the exact same success, this is a totally fun and safe scene to try out at home. Make it a competition to see who can get the most makeup off in one go!

Mulan’s Happy Face Breakfast Rice Porridge

disney mulan 1998 musha happy face breakfast porridge
Credit: Disney

Mushu (btw Eddie Murphy truly owned this role) really outdid himself with this creative breakfast porridge he makes for Mulan. It’s a little bit of comfort as she literally strives to conceal her identity at camp and prepare for battle. You don’t even have to be a cook to try and recreate this masterpiece. I mean, how hard can it be to make two…fried eggs? poached eggs…? Wait, no, over easy? TWO EGGS THAT LOOK LIKE EYEBALLS, and a bacon smile. This is a great way to bring your kid’s favorite Disney Princess to breakfast without the expensive merch.

Red Light – Unsafe Mulan Scenes That May Cause Aforementioned Dismemberment

One Swipe Sword Hair Cut

This is a terrible idea even if you DID know where to find an authentic sword sharp enough to accurately attempt it. Not only is this very likely impossible, but you could hurt yourself. Or, more importantly, you will have a terrible haircut. This is like the threat level red version of the one swoop makeup sleeve, and I do not condone replicating it. Just to satisfy your urge to see it in person, check out this video (that you should not copy) that shows you the lame results. Did that get it out of your system?

The Lucky Bug Traffic Walk

I do not care how lucky a bug you think your bug (or dog, or cat, or bird, etc) is, do NOT be like Mulan’s grandmother and trust its special powers to safely guide you through traffic. Not even Cri-Kee, Mulan’s lucky purple cricket, felt like they would survive that scene. Think of the stress you would put your poor lucky charm! And the resulting damages… If you want to walk out into traffic (HIGHLY recommend against), do it on your own time (please, never) and leave the cricket out of it, grandma!

disney mulan grandma walks through traffic with eyes covered lucky bug cricket
Credit: Disney

I also recommend not facing the entire Hun army by yourself on the side of a snowy mountain, but that one is on you.

Happy 25th, Mulan! Celebrate by streaming it on Disney Plus!

Lana Porter

Lana has never lost a Disney Trivia night. Maybe it’s the hundreds of times she’s been to Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, her love for Disney’s ’90’s era hand-animated musicals, or the fact that she’s often likened to cartoon characters, but Disney and its magic have a special place in her heart. Her favorite Disney experiences include the EPCOT Food and Wine Festival, eating Mickey Bars on the PeopleMover, and crying during the Magic Kingdom fireworks show. One day she hopes to be chosen as the rebel spy on Star Tours. When Lana isn’t Park Hopping, she’s at home… More »

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