
10 Tips for Having Your Most Satisfying Walt Disney World Trip Ever

1) Don’t Set Your Expectations too High

You’ve heard that Walt Disney World is the “happiest place on Earth” and you’ve seen the commercials with smiling children. It is easy to set your expectations too high. Remember that there will be lines, the kids will get cranky, Florida will be hot, other guests will be rude, and it does rain in the Sunshine State. A Walt Disney World vacation will not be without problems. Don’t try to do it all. If you don’t expect your vacation to be perfect, you’ll see what makes Walt Disney World so special. 


I grew up in Western Massachusetts. When I was nine my family went to Disneyland and I was hooked. I grew up, attended New England College in Henniker, NH and eventually moved to Virginia. I worked as a disc jockey, married and became a full time mom when our daughter was born. Fast forward several years. In 2010 we moved to Central Florida and my Disney obsession grew. I now work as a freelance writer and spend my spare time in the parks. Under the name Paula Brown I penned the novels Dream Wanderers and The Coffee Cruiser. I also… More »

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