Few are unfamiliar with The Walt Disney Company’s beloved Disney Princess franchise. The famous line-up features lead female characters from various Disney animated films who are recognized as official members of the Disney Princess line. The franchise was created in 2000 and currently includes 14 princesses: Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Ariel (The Little Mermaid), Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Jasmine (Aladdin), Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana (The Princess and the Frog), Rapunzel (Tangled), Merida (Brave), Moana, and sometimes Anna and Elsa (Frozen).
While these ladies are often featured on various pieces of merchandise together, they rarely interact with each other. In fact, their animated stories had never officially crossed over until Disney’s 2018 Wreck-It Ralph sequel Ralph Breaks the Internet. Fans were absolutely thrilled!
Now, Disney is about to do it again, but LEGO set style.
On August 18, Disney+ will stream an “all-new special” in celebration of World Princess Week called LEGO Disney Princess: The Castle Quest. The original special will see “Tiana, Moana, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Ariel set off on an adventure when they are each unexpectedly transported to a mysterious castle. The Princess characters work together to solve challenges hidden deep within the castle walls and try to save their kingdoms.”
While the LEGO Disney Princess special only features five characters from the franchise, Disney Princess fans are looking forward to it. The special will feature the Ultimate Adventure Castle LEGO set and other new sets available for purchase.
The Ultimate Adventure Castle LEGO set includes Princesses Tiana, Moana, Snow White, Rapunzel, and Ariel, a four-story play Disney castle, one LEGO animal friend for each Princess, and other features.
Disney Princesses are often characterized by their courage, kindness, and determination, and their stories often revolve around love, adventure, and overcoming obstacles. Fans are expecting LEGO Disney Princess: The Castle Quest to be fun for the whole family and are looking forward to seeing some of their favorite characters work together again!