Bluey is the children’s show that has taken the world by storm, but now some parents are questioning if the show has too strong of an influence on their kids.
No one could have predicted the impact that Bluey would have on children’s programming and the world in general. The show originated in Brisbane, Australia, but its popularity has quickly grown. Now, many countries have access to the show on Disney+, greatly extending its fanbase.
Bluey follows the life of a family of Heeler dogs, two parents and two children. The parents, Chilli and Bandit, honestly take on everyday parenting challenges, from answering hard questions to getting their kids to bed. The kids, sisters Bluey and Bingo, journey through life with an honest kid perspective, asking big questions, playing games, and exploring their world.
Even though the show is created for preschool-age children, it actively engages audiences of all ages. One of the largest audiences that loves Bluey is adults and parents who find themselves relating to Chilli and Bandit. Though there’s not anything specifically extraordinary about the show, the animation and storytelling are wholesome and relatable for many.
Related: Why Is ‘Bluey’ So Popular?
Are Kids Manipulating Their Parents?
However, even within Bluey fans, some people are starting to question the influence the show has on their children. One dad recently shared on social media that he thinks his daughter has learned how to use Bluey to manipulate him. This dad shared a story of trying to help his daughter get ready to head to bed when she came to him teary and suddenly in need of a cuddle. When he tried to ask how he could cheer her up, the dad said this young child’s plot began to unfold.
Bluey is teaching my daughter to manipulate me
byu/jimmyevil inbluey
“She looks at me, her tiny child mind cogs whirring. Finally she says, ‘Watch Blu…’ A short pause, then… ‘Watch FIVE Blueys.’ I tried to hide my laughter, and gave her a little frowny side eye. She recalibrated. ‘Watch five Blueys… With daddy.'”
The dad went on to say that they finished the night watching four episodes of Bluey together before bed. This may sound like a lot, but when we consider that the show’s average episode is about seven minutes, it really only totals to about an extra half hour. Plus, whether by toddler “manipulation” or not, we love that this night ended with some fun family time.
The Future of Bluey
While its fanbase is continuing to grow, there are lots of fun updates on the horizon for this children’s show. The franchise just announced that the upcoming season finale will feature a 28-minute episode, four times as long as their normal episodes. Additionally, the first Bluey video game will be released this week, joining merchandise and an immersive Bluey experience hosted in Los Angeles.