Proof that someone somewhere will get upset about anything: Mable from Disney’s Gravity Falls is trending on Twitter. That’s right, Gravity Falls. You know, the show that ended 7 years ago. When we saw the reason why we had to do a double take.
It seems Mabel’s character is causing outrage for having committed genocide and getting away with it. Mabel Pines…Disney supervillain? The outrage just doesn’t track with the character. Mabel is renowned for her ability to charm and connect with people, as well as her optimistic outlook on life. She always tries to see the best in people, even when they may seem inherently flawed. Does this sound like a genocidal maniac to you?
It all began when the Twitter User @PelleCreepy went off about how female characters can commit genocide and get away with it.
Mable Pines was among the accused female genocidal maniacs. This garnered enough attention that she, a supporting character from a decade old Disney show, trended on Twitter. A firestorm of tweets both supporting and blasting erupted in response.
Mabel is portrayed as a kind-hearted and imaginative character who loves to have fun and cares deeply about her family and friends. While she does have her flaws and makes mistakes at times, committing genocide is not a part of her character arc or storyline. So how exactly did she come to be accused of such a heinous act?
If you’ve never seen the show, buckle-up, things are about to get strange. During the series finale, Mable unwittingly gives time-traveler Blendin Blandin a dimensional rift device believing he needed it to get back to his own time. However, Blandin had been possessed by villian Bill Cipher to begin the apocalyptic event “Weirdmageddon.” Chaos ensues in the town of Gravity Falls as Bill announces that he will be the lord and master of Gravity Falls for eternity. He enslaves, imprisons, and petrifies the town’s residents after unleashing terrible (and weird) monsters on the town.
At best, Mabel is an accessory but the internet is never content to be logical. A fierce debate raged with one Twitter User analyzing the characters and pointing out similar past behavior of other characters.
Another went so far as to say they hated everyone because leveling an accusation of genocide on a 12-year old girl is ridiculous.
Whether you agree that Mable committed genocide or not, you have to admit, that it is odd timing for such a debate. Despite being regularly shown on DisneyXD, the show has not been relevant in years. Twitter may just be a arranger place than Weirdmageddon.