The DeSantis versus Disney saga continues and is poised to stretch into next summer and maybe even the summer of 2025 if DeSantis gets his way. As news about the conflict steadily breaks, voters carefully watch the seemingly overdramatic battle and take sides. The latest news all but confirms Ron DeSantis’ failure against the Walt Disney Company by revealing the governor’s own doubts about his ability to win.
The recent court scheduling briefing released to the public showcased the court dates requested by each of the parties. While the Walt Disney Company filed for a court date about one year from now, in July 2024, Gov Ron DeSantis requested the trial be held two years from now, in August 2025. People quickly noticed that Governor DeSantis’ proposed date is decidedly after the 2024 Presidential Election, in which he is vying to be the Republican party candidate.
Gov DeSantis’ date showed his hand – that he bit off way more than he could chew with this Disney lawsuit. The Florida Governor knows his impending loss will hurt his potential Presidential campaign and totally shatter the political image he’s put together. Perhaps, he thinks his Presidency would give him an upper hand in the lawsuit. Or maybe he thinks it would at least soften the blow.
The DeSantis v Disney feud was born when the Walt Disney Company openly criticized the “Don’t Say Gay” Florida Law. Disney Cast Members actively protested the Florida legislature and called on then-Disney CEO Bob Chapek to speak up. In retaliation, Gov DeSantis moved to revoke Disney’s self-governing privileges. Disney was able to keep their special tax district status to avoid hitting taxpayers with a heavy debt obligation. However, they were no longer allowed to choose members of Disney World’s government services board.
Ron DeSantis wanted to handpick the members but was blocked by the previous board members’ contract limiting the powers of the board to roads and infrastructure. Disney then filed a lawsuit against Gov DeSantis and his new board members for targeting Disney in a “relentless campaign to weaponize government power against Disney in retaliation for expressing a political viewpoint.”
That’s basically where we are now. While the date has not been decided yet, it will surely be an indication of the lawsuit’s outcome.