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‘Princess Diaries’ Star Tweets About Being Done With “Struggling Just to Survive” In Hollywood

There are few Disney movies that millennial women hold closer to their hearts than the 2001 film, The Princess Diaries. The film starred Anne Hathaway as Mia Thermopolis, a teenage girl living an invisible life until her grandmother — played by the iconic Julie Andrews — tells her that she is the heir to the throne of the country of Genovia. Mia then has to learn how to be a princess, as well as deal with her newfound fame, all while struggling to remain a typical teenage girl. Luckily, she always has her best friend Lilly by her side.

Princess Diaries
Credit: Disney

The role of Lilly Moscovitz was played by Hollywood veteran Heather Matarazzo, who has been in a number of popular films and television shows, including Welcome to the DollhouseRoseanneThe L Word, and Law & Order. Matarazzo has been in the industry for quite a long time and has a number of fans who love all of her work. She worried those fans the other day when she sent out a series of tweets, saying that she was done “struggling to survive” in Hollywood.

The tweets have since been deleted, but not before a number of fans and news outlets took notice. Buzzfeed reported the thread, which had the following messages:

I have hit my limit with Life today. I have hit my limit with whatever games the Universe is playing. I am done. I am tired. I truly feel at a f**king loss.

I feel at a loss because I feel I have done THE WORK, for a long time, with no complaint. I have taken the disappointments, the rejections, etc., and maintained that rejection is redirection. I have had continual FAITH in the Universe, but today, something broke. I feel cast.

I’ve given my life to acting for over 30 years. And am done struggling just to survive

I just need a win. A life-changing win. Cause this ain’t it. F**k.

heather matarazzo
Credit: Heather Matarazzo Instagram

Matarazzo’s honestly was something many people identified with. After she sent out the tweets, a number of people sent her words of encouragement.

Hold on Heather. Keep venting, sharing how you feel. It’s healthy and will help. A win is waiting. You’ll get there. Reach out whenever you feel like letting go. You’re a badass who has risen before and will rise again. Sending you #hope

I hope #HeatherMatarazzo is doing okay. Not afraid to admit she has me a little worried. I may have only seen her in 4 movies #PrincessDiaries (1 and 2) #Scream3 and #Scream5 but I adore her!

sending love to heather matarazzo <3 i’ve loved her on screen since welcome to the dollhouse

Matarazzo deleted the tweets not long after they were sent, but they have opened up the door for more people to talk about the importance of mental health. No matter what industry you work in, it can take a toll on you. It is always important to take care of your mental and emotional health, and maybe even speak to a professional if you are feeling overwhelmed.

Matarazzo has more than 60 acting credits to her name and currently has two projects in post-production — The Mattachine Family and Paint. Back in 2020, Matarazzo’s Princess Diaries costar Julie Andrews said that a third film in the franchise was going to happen, but that was just before the pandemic, and Disney has not confirmed anything at this time.

Krysten Swensen

A born and bred New England girl living the Disney life in Southern California. I love to read, to watch The Golden Girls, and love everything to do with Disney and Universal. I also love to share daily doses of Disney on my Disney Instagram @BrazzleDazzleDisney!

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