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Fans React to Disney’s Statement on Controversial Bill, and They Are Not Impressed

Just over one week ago, the Parental Rights in Education Bill passed in the Florida House of Representatives. The bill has been dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill by critics. The bill has generated a lot of conversations, with many people speaking out against it. Many have also called on large businesses to come out against the bill. One of those companies was Disney — one of the largest employers in Florida. For days, Disney stayed silent, but as pressure grew, the company finally released a statement.

Disney World love
Credit: Jonathan Lovitz Twitter

On March 3, Disney’s statement was shared via Good Morning America. Disney’s statement read:

“We understand how important this issue is to our LGBTQ+ employees and many others. For nearly a century, Disney has been a unifying force that brings people together. We are determined that it remains a place where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. The biggest impact we can have in creating a more inclusive world is through the inspiring content we produce, the welcoming culture we create here and the diverse community organizations we support, including those representing the LGBTQ+ community.”

Credit: D23

Unfortunately for Disney, its statement did not make its fans feel any better. In fact, it seems to have had the opposite effect. Many are upset with what Disney said and feel like that statement is not really a statement at all.

Janice Rosenthal (@theJindodog) had only one word to say about Disney’s statement:


Barnabus T. Bullion (@BTBullion) was astonished that Disney would make a statement on such an important issue by telling people to spend more money with them.

I’m not part of the LGBTQ community, but boy, seeing Disney say, “the best thing these people can do is give us more money!” is certainly a take. Especially when that money is given to people and groups who don’t like that community existing!

Reporter Scott Gustin (@ScottGustin) summed up the statement by saying something many people agreed with. The statement was not really a statement at all.

This is a response to requests for a statement. I’m not sure this is a statement.

Twitter user Alicia Stella (@AliciaStella) agreed with Scott, saying:

Disney’s response to the Don’t Say Gay bill is missing just one thing, a response to the Don’t Say Gay bill.

Others took Disney’s statement as an opportunity to remind others that Disney has a shareholder’s meeting coming up. This meeting allows shareholders to ask direct questions to those in charge. That includes asking CEO Bob Chapek. One of those who spoke about the meeting was Patrick Dougall (@PatrickADougall).

A reminder, Disney’s annual Shareholders meeting is on March 9th… this is where you can ask specific questions directly to Chapek!

DSNY Newscast (@DSNYNewscast) also reminded people of the shareholders’ meeting. They said that, if asked a question about Disney’s statement and stance, Bob Chapek will not be able to ignore it.

It’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out at the Annual Shareholders meeting next Wednesday… where Disney CEO Bob Chapek WILL HAVE TO answer questions directly, instead of skirting around verbiage/topics with carefully worded statements.

While many were upset by Disney’s statement, there were some who felt that the statement was appropriate. Some feel that businesses such as Disney should stay quiet when it comes to political issues. However, it has been found that Disney has donated to all the sponsors and cosponsors of the Parental Rights in Education bill. Jen Lefforge (@jenlefforge) noted that, saying:

And also @WaltDisneyCo if you don’t want to get involved with local political issues, then don’t give to local political candidates. It’s as simple as that. When you give money you ARE politically involved. It’s the definition of political involvement.

Disney’s Annual Shareholder meeting will take place on March 9. So we will have to wait and see if anyone asks about the statement or Disney’s stance on the bill. It then remains to be seen if Disney will clarify its statement or merely repeat what they have already said.

What do you think of Disney’s statement? Is it enough, or should Disney have said more?

Krysten Swensen

A born and bred New England girl living the Disney life in Southern California. I love to read, to watch The Golden Girls, and love everything to do with Disney and Universal. I also love to share daily doses of Disney on my Disney Instagram @BrazzleDazzleDisney!

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