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Chapek is Out and Disney Fans Have A LOT to Say About It

The ousting of Bob Chapek is all anyone can talk about right now. Fans struggled to believe the news at first but later “broke the internet” with their posts on the topic. When news of the shakeup at the top broke late Sunday night which is notable because Chapek was supposed to be introducing Elton John at the time. Word traveled fast and people were soon singing the praises of former CEO Bob Chapek’s departure all night.

The reaction from fans was…hilarious. The ousting of Chapek has truly been comedy gold and we are here for it all! From “hot takes” to celebrations to downright mockery, the internet has done what it does and spread the news far and wide.

Chapek fired
Credit: Facebook

Many were jubilant about the news and took to social media to share their joy! Many others were just happy to see all of the positivity.  Cast Members especially seemed elated about the news.


Even celebrities joined in! Josh Gad, who famously voiced Olaf and played LeFou in Disney’s live action Beauty and the Beast, called Iger the GOAT (greatest of all time).

Chapek fired
Credit: Facebook

We have to admit… this one was hilarious.  When you announce that layoffs are coming but then get fired yourself less than a month later… jokes will ensue.

Chapek fired

Even former CEO’s joined in. Michael Eisner’s response was measured and professional but the joy wad evident. This was a Disney CEO who was not without controversy (and an attempted coup) himself so his acknowledgment speaks volumes.

Chapek fired
Credit: Twitter

Celebration buttons are fun ways to tell the world you’re celebrating something special.  To many fans, the firing of Bob Chapek is certainly cause for celebration!

Chapek fired
Credit: Twitter

Disney is a very large part of many fans lives so it goes without saying that emotions can run high. Many fans expressed having chills or shedding tears of joy at the news that Chapek had been fired.


You heard it here first folks. We owe Charles Rogers a huge thank you! All kidding aside, this is a sentiment shared by many.


Bob Iger has reportedly been brought back for a two year period to help select and train a successor. Scott Gustin joked on Twitter abkut how we’ve hear this kine before. Seriously,  how many times has Main Street Electrical Parade been rumored to be going away forever? This has the same vibe.

Chapek fired
Credit: Twitter

The Twitter user who goes by the name “Weenie” on the platform never fails to make us laugh. In fact,  we couldn’t decide which Tweet we liked better so here they both all in all of their hilarious glory!

The memes, Tweets and posts will continue to fill time lines and Twitter feeds as the news of Disney’s corperate shakeup unfolds. In the meantime stay tuned right here as we bring you breaking news as it happensmeantime stay tuned right here as we bring you breaking news as it happens.

Jill Bivins

Jill Bivins has been visiting Disney Parks since she was 2 years old and loves sharing her Disney adventures with the world. She likes to say Disney is in her blood and writing is in her bones — so any time she has the opportunity to combine these loves she is one happy camper! She has a deep abiding love for Epcot and as a die hard Star Wars fan has a serious love for Hollywood Studios as well. When she isn't exploring or writing about Disney Parks, Jill is homeschooling her 8 year old son, playing with her brand… More »

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