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Universal Park to Close Ahead of Tropical Storm Nicole

Tropical Storm Nicole is taking aim at Florida’s east coast and threatening Central Florida in the coming days. The storm which was upgraded from a Subtropical Storm to a Tropical Storm this afternoon is expected to make landfall in Brevard County late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning and move west toward Orlando. As a result,according to their website,  operations at Universal Orlando have been altered to prepare.

In an abundance of caution, Universal’s Volcano Bay will close on Wednesday November 9, 2022. Heavy rain, sustained wind gusts and lightning are expected making the water park unsafe for guests and team members. There have been no announcements yet about a closure for Thursday but when and if one is announced we will let you know right away.

Volcano Bay
Creidt: Jill Bivins

As of now, Universal Orlando states that Universal CityWalk and their two theme parks, Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure will remain open as will the resort hotels and dining establishments. This is an ongoing situation though and should Tropical Storm Nicole be upgraded to a hurricane, more closures would be expected.

Volcano Bay
Credit: Jill Bivins

It has only been a few weeks since Hurricane Ian rocked Tampa Bay with its record-breaking storm surge.The Storm then moved eastward and severely impacted Orlando and the surrounding areas. Universal Orlando Resort was heavily impacted by the storm with flooding forcing many rides, including the Incredible Hulk at Islands of Adventure to remain closed even after the parks reopened. is not clear yet whether Tropical Storm Nicole will become a hurricane but the east coast stands primed for the possibility.

Volcano Bay
Credit: Jill Bivins

Rides like Kookiri Body Plunge, Ohya and Ohno drop slide, Runamuka Reef and Taniwah Tubes will be available on Thursday, unless the storm requires Volcano Bay to close for additional days. Universal Orlando does not require park reservations like Disney World does so those guests who had planned to be at Volcano Bay tomorrow can alter course and visit one of the other parks instead. This of course is subject to change depending on how the storm develops.

Walt Disney World currently had not announced any closures due to the storm. Earlier today they initially announced a closure at Fort Wilderness but reversed course on the decision. This is an ongoing situation, we will be sure to update you.

Jill Bivins

Jill Bivins has been visiting Disney Parks since she was 2 years old and loves sharing her Disney adventures with the world. She likes to say Disney is in her blood and writing is in her bones — so any time she has the opportunity to combine these loves she is one happy camper! She has a deep abiding love for Epcot and as a die hard Star Wars fan has a serious love for Hollywood Studios as well. When she isn't exploring or writing about Disney Parks, Jill is homeschooling her 8 year old son, playing with her brand… More »

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