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Rapunzel Just Gave Her Number 1 Fan a Surprise She’ll Never Forget

At Walt Disney World, dreams come true. Everyday Cast Members make magic for guests that become memories that last a lifetime. That is exactly what happened for one six-year-old little girl when she got to meet her favorite Disney Princess! 

Related: Disney Princesses As Peeps

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique
Credit: Disney

Her mother took to Reddit to share the unforgettable experience. They started their day at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, which is a memorable experience in itself. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique is a dream come true for most little girls (heck, I’m 38 and I wish I could do it). Her daughter got the Castle Package which is a complete makeover so that she could look like her favorite princess: Rapunzel! 

Credit: The Disney Diva

Related: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique is Now Accepting Reservations

Later that day, they were taking a break when a Cast Member approached them and asked the little girl, “I need help opening this door. Are you big and strong? Can you help me?” Eager to help the little girl jumped up and opened up the door where Rapunzel was waiting for her! 

Rapunzel surprises girl at Disney World
Credit: Reddit

The Redditor said that Rapunzel talked to her daughter for a bit and then took her by the hand and led her around looking for the hidden Pascals in the Tangled bathroom area! A crowd apparently  gathered around them and Rapunzel’s friend explained  that she wasn’t taking photos or signing autographs at that time. It truly was just a special experience for her #1 fan. 

Related: Guest Gets Rapunzel  and Flynn Ryder to Break Character 

Her in-laws were convinced that she had pre-arranged it and paid “a small fortune for it. Since this was their first trip, she took  to Reddit to ask if that sort of experience was normal or not. Most comments were along the lines of “yes, but also no.” That is exactly the answer I’d have given as well. Pixie dust comes in so many different shoes and sizes. Moments like this one can’t be predicted (or expected) but they do happen. These experiences are part of what makes the magic of Disney so wonderful.  

Jill Bivins

Jill Bivins has been visiting Disney Parks since she was 2 years old and loves sharing her Disney adventures with the world. She likes to say Disney is in her blood and writing is in her bones — so any time she has the opportunity to combine these loves she is one happy camper! She has a deep abiding love for Epcot and as a die hard Star Wars fan has a serious love for Hollywood Studios as well. When she isn't exploring or writing about Disney Parks, Jill is homeschooling her 8 year old son, playing with her brand… More »

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