Johnny Depp’s defamation trial was an airing out of some of the filthiest laundry we’ve ever heard–even by Hollywood’s standards, but one thing that never came to light during the trial is that Johnny Depp might actually be a twin.
The Depp-Heard trial highlighted broken fingertips and broken hearts, glass bottle-hurling, the juxtaposition of curse words in ways we hadn’t ever heard them arranged, tales of Heard’s infidelity, control issues, and narcissism, and some of the most covert gaslighting tactics ever conceived and executed by a human being.
We were also introduced to those closest to Johnny Depp, including former and current agents, the house manager of Depp’s private island in the Bahamas, and even one of Depp’s siblings–his older sisters, Debbie Depp and Christi Dembrowski, both of whom testified on behalf of the Pirates of the Caribbean actor against Depp’s ex-wife Amber Heard.
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Though he was not called on to testify, we’ve come to learn that Depp also has a brother, Daniel, who is a published author, bookseller, and journalist, currently with the Simon & Schuster group.
Over the course of the six-week-long trial, the general public learned more than they ever wanted to know about Depp, thanks to testimony, text messages, and other evidence. And what they weren’t told in the courtroom, fans learned from online searches and social media. They dug deeper into his childhood, which was chock full of hardships and abuse. Others filled their heads with trivial facts about Johnny Depp.
The more the public learned about Johnny Depp’s tumultuous “relationship” with his ex-wife, the more they wanted to know–some overloading Google’s search engines with questions about the accomplished actor. Most probably learned more about Johnny Depp than the man knows about himself.
But they never read or heard anything about Johnny Depp having a twin brother, until now.
Because he’s Johnny Depp, each and every time actor he does something–accepts a gig, makes a move, rushes to London to play guitar, blows his nose–the internet comes to a stand-still and then nearly breaks in half.
And that’s exactly what has happened, thanks to a video that appears to prove that Johnny Depp has a twin brother (not that that would be a bad thing in this universe or in any other universe).
The online video shows a man attending a religious ceremony in the city of Tabriz, Iran. His resemblance to Johnny Depp is so striking, that the video went viral almost immediately, with users sharing it on other social media platforms like Reddit. It has been shared thousands of times, and the consensus among viewers is obvious: the man could almost be Depp’s twin (if he actually isn’t already, of course).
The video shows the man with a hairstyle very much like Depp’s signature ‘do. He also sports a Johnny Depp-esque goatee, and his sunglasses give off Depp vibes too. But it’s the photos from Sa’les’s Instagram account that really show how much he looks like Johnny Depp.
As expected, once the video went viral, Depp-loving super sleuths went to work, digging for clues about who the Iranian man is. According to WIONews, the man’s name is Amin Sa’les. He’s of Iranian descent, and he works as a model. He looks so much like Depp, it’s almost hard to imagine that the man isn’t Captain Jack Sparrow himself.

So while we’re pretty sure we can confirm that Sa’les is not Johnny Depp’s long-lost twin brother, we’re even more sure that we can live in a world where not one, but two people, look just like Johnny Depp: Depp and Amin Sa’les.