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Jimmy Kimmel Compares Disneyland to Japanese Bathrooms

For many Disney fans, going to all the Disney Resorts around the world is a bucket list item. There are six Disney Resorts around the world — Disneyland Resort in California, Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, Shanghai Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland, and Tokyo Disney. Each of these Resorts has its own unique magical feel, incredible rides and attractions, mouthwatering meal options, stunning nighttime shows, and fun merchandise.

Drones making a Mickey shape at Disneyland Paris
Credit: Disney

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One thing that Walt Disney was always very adamant about was keeping his theme parks clean. In fact, Disney history reveals that Walt conducted an experiment to help him keep his parks spotless. Each guest was given a piece of candy, then the guests were tracked to see how many steps they took before they threw the candy wrapper on the ground. That is how Walt determined how far apart to space the trash cans around the park.

Walt Disney at Disneyland
Credit: Disney

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And that reputation for cleanliness led to some interesting comparisons made by a popular talk-show host.

ABC star Jimmy Kimmel recently returned from a week-long trip to Japan, and he could not get over how clean everything was. The late-night host didn’t see trash on the streets or people leaving messes behind. Even the bathrooms were sparkling clean, and he decided to make a fun Disneyland comparison.

jimmy kimmel hosts 96th academy awards
Credit: Disney/ABC Television

The other night, on his show, Kimmel said:

“But now, after traveling to Japan, I realize that this place, this USA we’re always chanting about, is a filthy and disgusting country. Not only did I not encounter a single dirty bathroom, the bathrooms in Tokyo and Kyoto are cleaner than our operating rooms here. It’s like the whole country is Disneyland, and we’re living at Six Flags. I’ve been home 36 hours. I’ve never felt dirtier.”

Now, there are some who might argue that Disneyland — and most other Disney Parks — are not as clean as they once were. A few of those people might blame the dirtiness on Disney cast members, but many will agree that the main problem seems to be guests.

Disney World trash
Credit: Kringle Kai Twitter

Guest behavior has seen a drastic incline that many think started when the theme parks opened after the COVID-19 pandemic. This decline in behavior has led to multiple fights breaking out in the parks, many guests getting banned for breaking Disney’s rules, and guests starting to treat Disney cast members like their own personal maid service.

Multiple times, guests have gone viral for the absolute mess they leave behind while they are in the parks. Many guests seem to think that they do not have to throw away their garbage or clean up after themselves because a cast member will do it. But it is important to remember that, yes, cast members are there to keep things clean, but they rely on guests to be responsible and clean up after themselves.

Have you ever been to Japan? Is it really as clean as they say? Is Tokyo Disneyland Disney’s cleanest resort? Let us know in the comments!

Krysten Swensen

A born and bred New England girl living the Disney life in Southern California. I love to read, to watch The Golden Girls, and love everything to do with Disney and Universal. I also love to share daily doses of Disney on my Disney Instagram @BrazzleDazzleDisney!

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