
Final Draperies Installed for 50th Anniversary Décor on Cinderella Castle

We’re so excited to begin the 50th Anniversary celebration at Walt Disney World! As we gear up for the celebration to begin on October 1, Disney Imagineers are hard at work preparing for the celebration. Even the beloved Cinderella Castle is getting all dolled up for the occasion! Walt Disney Imagineer, Zach Riddley, took to Instagram to share an update on the Cinderella Castle décor.


Credit: Zach Riddley Instagram

As shared via Zach Riddley Instagram: “Last night, our @WaltDisneyImagineering and @WaltDisneyWorld teams installed the final dramatic draperies of the 50th anniversary decor on Cinderella Castle. Over the coming weeks, the team will begin to focus on crowning the castle roofs with majestic swirls of golden ribbons as we continue this royal treatment for “The World’s Most Magical Celebration” starting Oct. 1, 2021.”

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Just beautiful! We’re excited to see what the “majestic swirls of golden ribbons” may look like! We’ll keep you posted on any new 50th Anniversary details. In the meantime, happy planning for your 50th Anniversary celebration trip to Walt Disney World!

Jamie Sylvester

I'm a Disney nerd! A kid at heart who loves the magic and memories of Walt Disney World. I follow all things Disney and enjoy the vacations, day trips, weekend getaways, and geek out over the planning of such events. My goal is to experience as many Disney desserts and cocktails as possible! Married to another Disney nerd and blessed with a daughter and son, we thoroughly enjoy the magic at Disney and are here to help others experience the magic as well.

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