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“Elitist” Disney Passholders RUIN the Fun for Everyone

Yesterday morning on April 11, 2023, Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, finally reopened the sales of their annual passes. For months Disney fans have heard nothing about the future of the Magic Key pass sales. Fans were delighted to know that passes at Disneyland Resort would be available once again for purchase. Walt Disney World annual passes are also set to be on sale on April 20, 2023. 

Unfortunately, no good thing comes without negativity. While everyone should be rejoicing about more accessibility to annual passes, some current pass holders are not happy. Some less-than-magical comments have been made on both sides of the issue.

Walt Disney World Annual Passholder
Credit: Disney

Current Passholders Bully and Heckle Disney

Disneyland Resort currently offers four different types of Magic Key passes. The passes are priced based on additional perks like merchandise, parking, and the number of Park reservations you can make. The more expensive passes also have fewer blocked-out dates. The prices are as follows:

Inspire Key: $1,599

Believe Key: $1,099 

Enchant Key: $699

Imagine Key: $449 (Southern California Residents Only)

Disneyland magic Key

The drama began when Reddit user u/Similar-Ad6810 posted a complaint against some of the comments on a post by Disney. This user decided to compile the comments to expose some of the things that current pass holders were saying.

“Seriously no stop selling them if you aren’t going to have open availability for inspire key holders”

“Can ya’ll stop bc I pay $1600 and still am unable to make r3servations. You’re just stealing money”

“There’s no reason someone with a believe (key) should be able to get a r3servation over mine that I pay extra for”

“Disney either needs to … allow Inspire key to go whenever they want.”

The Reddit user goes on to call these pass holders “supervillians” and explains that as a Passholder of the cheapest key, they have no problem getting reservations. The poster goes on to say,

“Your inability to plan ahead doesn’t mean that other people don’t deserve to buy a pass or don’t deserve to go, and you paying for more expensive pass doesn’t make you better than everyone else.”

sleeping beauty castle at disneyland with clouds and rainbow
Credit: Becky Burkett

This post made the Subreddit explode with comments debating the subject. It is a shame to see Disney fans fighting over something that should be exciting for everyone.

Eva Miller

Eva was born and raised in the beautiful state of Oregon but has since relocated and lives in New York City. Since she was young, Eva has loved to perform in musicals, especially Disney ones! Through performing, Disney’s music became the soundtrack of her childhood. Today, Eva loves to write about all the exciting happenings for the Walt Disney Company. In her free time, Eva loves to travel, spend time in nature, and go to Broadway shows. Her favorite Disney movie is 'Lilo and Stitch,' and her favorite Park is Disney's Animal Kingdom.

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