Walt Disney World Resort, often referred to as “The Most Magical Place on Earth,” is a world-renowned destination that brings joy and enchantment to millions of guests each year. Families and individuals flock to the theme park to create unforgettable memories and escape into a world of fantasy. However, amidst the smiles and laughter, occasionally, the magic can take an unexpected turn.
Guests heading to Disney World for vacation or a day of excitement do not think they will become ill from “The Most Magical Place on Earth.” Sadly, from time to time, guests can fall ill while at Disney World.
Disney World is home to four theme parks: Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Disney’s Animal Kingdom, and Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Each Disney park offers different attractions, dining options, and much more for guests to experience.
While Disney World maintains high standards of cleanliness and safety, guests may still encounter various illnesses. Here are some common health issues to be mindful of when visiting the park. Respiratory infections, such as the common cold or the flu, can easily spread in crowded places. Guests might come into contact with others who are sick. It’s essential to practice good respiratory hygiene by covering your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing and to wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
Disney World offers a wide range of dining options, and while the park is committed to food safety, foodborne illnesses can still occur. To minimize the risk, it’s important to ensure that food is cooked thoroughly, observe proper food handling practices, and consume perishable items promptly.
Guests heading to Florida should realize the climate can make you sick, as well. Guests in the Florida heat, combined with the physical demands of a Disney World visit, can lead to dehydration. Guests should drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay properly hydrated. Water fountains and hydration stations are readily available throughout the park. The thrill rides and attractions at Disney World can also cause motion sickness for some guests. To prevent this, consider taking breaks between rides, avoid excessive spinning rides, and take motion sickness medication if necessary.
While Guests heading to Disney World will most likely never experience these illnesses, you can prevent them from getting sick by washing their hands frequently with soap and water or using hand sanitizer.
Guests should keep personal hygiene a priority, especially after restroom use and before eating. Another important tip is for guests to stay hydrated by drinking water regularly, and taking breaks to rest and cool down. If a Disney World guest feels unwell during their visit, seek medical attention at the First Aid Centers in the parks.
In a social media post, a Disney World guest was eating at Crystal Palace located inside Magic Kingdom when they believe they ate food with fecal matter.
“Crystal palace, the peel and eat shrimp gave my wife and I shigella,” they said. “Confirmed through cdc. This is caused by contaminated water and FECAL ORAL TRANSFER, if you don’t know, that means I ate someone’s poop on my food, or they failed to wash their poop hands. I know it was the shrimp because as I ate one, it was OFF. I am a chef professionally, I work for a third party on the property. The worst part was the following morning we were supposed to check out, we were so sick I considered calling a ambulance, I called the front desk and asked for a late check out due to circumstances, they gave me until 4pm. The cherry was they had a maid knocking on our door every 15 min after 12. This was a accessible room and the toilet was in direct view of the door, as it had on bathroom I opted to use the lobby facilities and let my disabled wife have the convenient bathroom, imagine her fear that a maid was going to walk in on her in that state and unable to even shut the door. “
While sickness and illness happen at Disney World rarely, Disney does its best to keep the parks nice and clean. And if guests have an issue, tell your nearest Cast Member for assistance.
Please note that the story outlined in this article is based on a personal Disney park guest experience. No two guest experiences are alike, and this article does not necessarily align with Disney Dining’s personal views on Disney Park operations.