
Disney Dining Blog: Please Be Careful

Disney Dining Blog: Please Be Careful

Last year, a 16-year-old boy driving his parents and siblings on a “dream trip” to Disney World apparently fell asleep at the wheel, causing the sport utility vehicle to veer off the highway and roll over, killing three children and two adults.

Last August there was a crash between a Disney’s Magical Express Bus and a car has caused me to do a lot of thinking. In a moment, countless lives were changed forever. One woman died, two people were injured, and others were traumatized by the accident. I was sad as I watched events unfold on the local news. People look forward to a Walt Disney World vacation for months or even years. No one ever thought that something like this might happen.

Too many people seem to think that nothing can go wrong once you enter Disney property. They assume that the pixie dust will keep all bad things away. That just isn’t true. Since we’ve lived in Florida, some of the worst drivers that I’ve seen have been on Disney property. People are so often in a hurry and they don’t pay attention. I know the feeling of seeing Tower of Terror for the first time, but that does not mean that the driver should pull out his phone and snap a picture. (Yes, I’ve seen that happen more than once.) The entrance to Walt Disney World is spectacular, but there are signs everywhere stating that cars should not stop. You’re not the exception to that rule. Getting a great picture is not worth putting lives in danger.

While on Walt Disney World property, please be careful. Most of the drivers on the roads there are not familiar with the property, so do not tailgate. If someone needs to get over, let him or her. Use your signal lights, that is the only way to let the other drivers know what you intend to do. Give yourself plenty of time so that you won’t need to speed to make your dinner reservation.

I have seen so many close calls on Disney property that I lost count years ago. One of the worst was a woman in a white van who decided to illegally pass our car while we were in a turning lane. There was a reason that we weren’t going, there were cars coming! Fortunately the other drivers were paying attention and they narrowly avoided a collision. Your time is valuable, but not more valuable than your life and the lives of others.

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I grew up in Western Massachusetts. When I was nine my family went to Disneyland and I was hooked. I grew up, attended New England College in Henniker, NH and eventually moved to Virginia. I worked as a disc jockey, married and became a full time mom when our daughter was born. Fast forward several years. In 2010 we moved to Central Florida and my Disney obsession grew. I now work as a freelance writer and spend my spare time in the parks. Under the name Paula Brown I penned the novels Dream Wanderers and The Coffee Cruiser. I also… More »

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