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CRAZY Disney Routine Goes Viral for All the WRONG Reasons

When it comes to a Disney World vacation, some people like to sleep in and take it easy and others like to go hard. Some moms begin their day by leisurely waking up whenever the kids stir and linger over breakfast. Others are turning on lights at 5:00 am to wake their sleeping cherubs because it’s Rise of the Resistance opening day and no one told her they were already letting people in the Park (what? No….that super specific example is just hypothetical…I didn’t do that). The point is, every has a different Disney routine – some are more intense than others.

Rise of the resistance galaxys edge
Credit: Disney

Confession: I’m a Disney Commando. More accurately, I’m a former Disney Commando. For years I refused to go to Disney with friends because I knew we wouldn’t be friends anymore after the trip. I can accurately time a Disney itinerary down to within 3 minutes. Can but don’t…anymore. I’ve reformed. So when someone told me “you’ve got to see this crazy Disney routine! I feel like you could’ve planned it,” I was curious.

Disney routine
Credit: TikTok/@Brooke, The Southernish Mama

A video posted by Brooke Raybould has gone viral on TikTok showing how she and her family do Magic Kingdom. Hang on to your seats because it is intense. First, they’re up before 5:00 am to get a workout in before a day at Disney! I don’t know about you but my Disney day is usually my workout so that dedication is impressive. Then Brooke gets ready to include full makeup. Many viewers found this unbelievable but nor this Disney Commando, I do the same– think of all the pictures! By 6:45 she’s waking her three children and away they go!

Disney routine
Credit: Tiktok/ @Broke, The Southernish Mama

Rather than dealing with the main entrance, she and her family are dropped off at the Contemporary Resort where they use the (not so secret) secret walkway from the resort to save time. In her video she says this is how they get early entry, which angered many viewers because they thought she was cheating the system since Early Entry is only for Disney Resort guests and they don’t stay in a Disney owned hotel. They are staying at the Four Seasons though and that resort does qualify for early entry so they haven’t scammed anything (and they also haven’t found some secret hack, they just got a benefit they were entitled to). After that the family rope drops Seven Dwarfs Mine Train before continuing on for a full day at Disney’s Magic Kingdom.

Disney make up
Credit: TikTok/ @Brooke, The Southernish Mama

Exhausted yet? They do this 3 more times! The routine is the same at EPCOT, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom. This family goes hard. Many shared the video though not because they respected the hustle, but because they wanted to make fun of it. It is intense that’s for sure, many felt it was too intense.

Disney Twitter
Credit: Twitter

Others doubted her claim that she got a virtual queue for Tron Lightcyle / Run at 6:58 am when the queue doesn’t open until exactly 7:00 am.

Disney virtual queue
Credit: Twitter

Many claim Disney is too complicated. Comment after comment said that people like this perpetuate the idea that Disney planning has to be difficult and an intense Disney routine is necessary to have a great time. The truth is Disney, like anywhere else, is what you make it. It can be incredibly complicated or you can go with the flow.

The video has just under 80k likes, 600 comments, and 5k shares. Whether you agree with this Disney routine or not, this family certainly put the popular Disney planning advice : “sleep is for ORHER vacations” to the test.

Jill Bivins

Jill Bivins has been visiting Disney Parks since she was 2 years old and loves sharing her Disney adventures with the world. She likes to say Disney is in her blood and writing is in her bones — so any time she has the opportunity to combine these loves she is one happy camper! She has a deep abiding love for Epcot and as a die hard Star Wars fan has a serious love for Hollywood Studios as well. When she isn't exploring or writing about Disney Parks, Jill is homeschooling her 8 year old son, playing with her brand… More »

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