
Review: Cosmic Rays: Magic Kingdom

Review: Cosmic Rays: Magic Kingdom

This was not our first visit to this quick service option and I doubt that it will be our last. My husband, daughter and I were there for lunch the day after Easter, an extremely busy day. The lines still moved quickly.

Cosmic Ray’s is arranged in three different “bays” where you order your food. The bays used to all serve different foods, but they now all serve the same things. You place your order and pay the cashier and then pick the food up separately.

My family and I always order the veggie burgers. The burgers themselves are tasty but nothing special. They are also big and filling. They come with a choice of french fries or apples slices. We picked the apples. They were exactly what we expected. The fact that they were chilled was nice because it was a hot day.

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The best part of Cosmic Ray’s is the toppings bar. It has more than just the traditional condiments and pickles. Sure you can get those but there are many other surprises. The toppings bar of course has lettuce and tomatoes, but there are also things like grilled onions and mushrooms. Extra condiments include BBQ sauce and cheese sauce. There is something there for everyone and it is enough to turn a fairly plain burger into a satisfying meal.

There is no hiding that Cosmic Ray’s is supposed to be a place to grab a quick bite, but they still make it fun. There is a cheesy science fiction outer space type of theme and Sonny Eclipse entertains in the background. You may not spend a lot of time inside the restaurant but you will enjoy your time there.

F.A.S.T. Review

F-Food- Good. It’s one of the better meal values that you will find at the Magic Kingdom. The toppings bar is excellent.

A-Atmosphere- Fun. If you use a little bit of imagination it is easy to picture yourself in a spaceport sometime in the future.

S-Service- Very good. There was a mix up with the drinks that we ordered and the staff took care of it right away without taking much time. (The mix up is the only reason that I didn’t say excellent because it was the cashier’s mistake.) They know what needs to be done to get you your food and get you out of line quickly.

T-Tips- Do not plan to eat there during traditional meal hours, especially on a busy day. It looks like there is plenty for seating but we were there around noon and it was packed, almost impossible to get a table. Also, if you’re easily embarrassed and you are there on your birthday, take off your birthday button before you order. I speak from experience.



I grew up in Western Massachusetts. When I was nine my family went to Disneyland and I was hooked. I grew up, attended New England College in Henniker, NH and eventually moved to Virginia. I worked as a disc jockey, married and became a full time mom when our daughter was born. Fast forward several years. In 2010 we moved to Central Florida and my Disney obsession grew. I now work as a freelance writer and spend my spare time in the parks. Under the name Paula Brown I penned the novels Dream Wanderers and The Coffee Cruiser. I also… More »

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