Disney World is known as “The Most Magical Place on Earth,” where magical experiences and enchanting characters come to life. Disney World is located in Florida, near the swamps, which include alligators, snakes, bobcats, raccoons, and many more wild animals.
Disney is home to four theme parks: Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Disney’s Hollywood Studios, and Disney’s Animal Kingdom. While many Guests are familiar with the Park’s iconic attractions, thrilling rides, and beloved characters, they may not be aware of the incredible world of wildlife that thrives within Disney’s borders. When Guests are looking to find wild animals, they head to Disney’s Animal Kingdom to see tigers, zebras, lions, elephants, and much more. Guests looking for “bears” running around the Parks tend to think of the Country Bears who are spotted in Frontierland at Magic Kingdom Park roaming and dancing.
Disney World has signs around warning about the wildlife that surrounds the Park. Guests walking near any body of water should be on the lookout for alligators and snakes. Disney also includes signs around the parks stating not to feed the wildlife such as squirrels, ducks, or any animal Guests encounter. If you encounter a wild animal while inside or outside a Disney Park find your nearest Cast Member they can relocate the animal to a safer location.
Fort Wilderness is a unique camping and recreational resort, Fort Wilderness offers an escape from the bustling theme parks and invites Guets to immerse themselves in nature, adventure, and the spirit of the American frontier. Disney World Guests heading to Fort Wilderness can stay in cabins or campgrounds. Guests can enjoy archery, horseback riding, relax in the pools, and much more, all the while enjoying the beauty of nature.
Recently Sam Walker OBX tweeted about a wild bear spotted at the Disney Resort. If you see a wild bear while at Disney World, do not approach it. Let your nearest Cast Member know about this sight so they will be aware.
No laughing matter! #OBX doesn’t have all the bears, so does @WaltDisneyWorld. Nicole Hollowell spotted this one today in the 1700 loop/Hickory Hollow at Fort Wilderness!
No laughing matter! #OBX doesn’t have all the bears, so does @WaltDisneyWorld. Nicole Hollowell spotted this one today in the 1700 loop/Hickory Hollow at Fort Wilderness! pic.twitter.com/Mtt9zbuf5v
— Sam Walker OBX🎙📻📰🥍🦓 (@SamWalkerOBX) June 15, 2023
Guests heading to Disney do not expect to see a wild animal roaming but be aware of your surrounding at all time.
Have you seen a wild animal at Disney World?