Hocus Pocus (1993) is a beloved Halloween movie by many. The original Hocus Pocus focuses on a teen boy, Max, played by Omri Katz, who, along with his younger sister Dani (played by Thora Birch), awakens a trio of witches. With the help of Allison, a Halloween guru, Max works to send the three Sanderson sisters back to where they came from. As we prepare for another Halloween, the question returns to Allison’s background in the movie. Was she a witch herself?
Allison in Hocus Pocus
In the original film, Allison, played by Vinessa Shaw, was a teenage coven expert. Max quickly falls for Allison as they work together to solve the issue of the Sanderson sisters. Not much is known about Allison’s background or history. This mystery continues to have fans of the franchise questioning if she could have been a witch herself.
In the film, a few references could lead viewers to believe that Allison could be a witch. One reference relates to her mother running a museum inside the cottage that used to belong to the Sanderson sisters years before.
Another reference to Allison possibly being a witch is made by Winifred, one of the Sanderson sisters. When Allion uses a circle of salt to ward off the three witches, Winifred calls her “a clever little white witch.”
The director of the film, Kenny Ortega, stated that he did feel like there was a little witch in there when referring to Allison’s character.
An official answer has never been given as to whether Allison wasn’t a witch. What we do know is her knowledge and bravery had a significant impact in taking down the unruly Sanderson sisters.
More Hocus Pocus
After years of waiting not so patiently, fans of Hocus Pocus finally saw their dreams of a sequel come true. Hocus Pocus 2 (2022) saw the return of the Sanderson sisters. Once again ready to cause terror and havoc, two young women must work together to stop these three witches.
Fans were thrilled to see Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy return to their original roles as the Sanderson Sisters. We can only hope that we can see them cause more chaos in Hocus Pocus 3.
Sanderson Sisters
The three spooky and little crazy Sanderson sisters are a fan favorite. These three come back every Halloween to entertain and have a little wicked fun along the way.
During Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party, guests enjoy the Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular. This castle stage show features not only the three Sanderson Sisters but also a variety of other Disney villains. Dr. Facilier, Oogie Boogie, and even Maleficent join Winifred Sanderson, Mary Sanderson, and Sarah Sanderson as they take the stage to run amuck.
They hope to cast a spell on everyone in Magic Kingdom Park using their terrifying powers. The show happens multiple times throughout the party, making it easy to experience.
We may never know if Allison was a witch, but what is for sure is that Hocus Pocus continues to be a Halloween staple for many.