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Disney World Makes Immediate Park Changes With Trump Inauguration

Disney is complying with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s directive to fly flags at full staff today to mark Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Ron DeSantis
Credit: Gage Skidmore, Flickr

While this follows standard procedure, it has reignited debates over Disney’s approach to political matters. The decision temporarily overrides the half-staff order previously set to honor the late President Jimmy Carter.

Adding to the intrigue is the closure of The Hall of Presidents at Magic Kingdom, an attraction that has been a staple of Liberty Square since the park’s opening in 1971. The attraction features animatronic figures of all U.S. presidents, offering guests a theatrical presentation of the nation’s history and the significance of the presidency.

Each time a new president is elected, the attraction typically undergoes a refurbishment to include the latest addition, with the incoming president delivering an animatronic speech, recorded personally for the attraction. However, recent changes to the signage have sparked speculation that Disney might be rethinking its approach.

Hall of Presidents attraction in Liberty Square at the Magic Kingdom
Credit: Disney

Unlike past refurbishments, the current signage omits any mention of preparing for the new president’s arrival. In previous election years, guests would see signs stating that The Hall of Presidents was “closed for updates to welcome the new president.” The absence of this language now has some wondering if Disney is considering a break from tradition—potentially excluding Trump from the lineup or altering the format of the show entirely.

If Disney decides to exclude Trump from the attraction, it could face significant backlash. The company has previously been caught in the crossfire of political debates, and such a decision could further polarize its audience. Supporters of the former president might view the exclusion as a political statement, potentially leading to calls for boycotts or public criticism.

hall of presidents attraction at magic kingdom's liberty square
Credit: Becky Burkett

Disney has historically positioned itself as an entertainment company that appeals to guests across the political spectrum, offering attractions that reflect American history in an educational yet engaging way.

Any move perceived as partisan could tarnish its reputation and alienate a significant portion of its customer base. Many parkgoers see The Hall of Presidents as a tribute to all U.S. presidents—regardless of their policies or popularity—making the inclusion of Trump a matter of tradition rather than politics.

On the flip side, Disney must also consider how any changes to the attraction might be received by different demographics. Over the past decade, the company has faced increased scrutiny from audiences demanding greater representation and cultural sensitivity. Some argue that a potential overhaul could be an attempt to modernize the experience and focus more on broader themes of democracy and leadership rather than individual figures.

The Hall of Presidents at Magic Kingdom with Donald Trump.
Credit: Disney/ Flickr @gageskidmore

For now, Disney has remained silent on the future of The Hall of Presidents, leaving fans and analysts to speculate on what might be next for the iconic attraction. Whether Trump remains part of the lineup or not, the decision is sure to be met with intense scrutiny. As one of the park’s most historic and politically sensitive attractions, The Hall of Presidents will continue to be a point of interest for guests who appreciate its rich portrayal of American history.

Andrew Boardwine

A frequent visitor of Walt Disney World Resort and Universal Orlando Resort, Andrew will likely be found freefalling on Twilight Zone Tower of Terror or enjoying Pirates of the Caribbean. Over at Universal, he'll be taking in the thrills of the Jurassic World Velocicoaster and Revenge of the Mummy


  1. I remembered when Trump was 1st in the HOP, the crowd cheered for his character when it started speaking in his voice.
    It would be nice to hear that again.

  2. When I was there last November, the crowd cheered when Trumps name was mention. I imagine this will be happening a lot in the coming days for this attraction.

    Disney needs to embrace this.

    1. Yeah, unfortunately as you’ve seen with your own eyes, there’s still a chunk of the people visiting Disney who are idiots. 🤷‍♀️

  3. Unfortunately, everything Disney is doing these days is based on politics. So if they go against tradition it will be no surprise. Disney doesn’t care anymore. Disney management only cares about it’s agenda. They quit being an entertainment company for the masses a long time ago.

    1. Agreed 100%. You would think Disney could see what’s happening in the country! The country has REJECTED WOKE ideology and won’t like it one bit if they decide to not recognize Trump! One more reason to cause a rift among Disney lovers. People are smart enough to make up their own minds!! We have a brain!

      1. You’re a retard. You are so brainwashed it’s sickening you’re allowed to vote. Trump is a joke. He’s the greatest sh^tstain in history. His mongs are just more of the same.

  4. They usually have to have an animatronic made, or at least a new skin, they don’t have to do that this time so no need to close. Why make this into something it’s not?

  5. They will lose visitors either way they go if they open it back up. I would think that just closing the attraction for now would be their best bet. It is a tragedy that it couldn’t be done in a non partisan way, but either way they go with opening it back up could cause “unrest” in the park. We don’t need more fighting in the happiest place on earth.

    1. The unrest will be greater if they snub the president. He won by a landslide. To disrespect him now will far outweigh the puny few who cry and carry on about their hurt feelings.

      1. Hurt his feelings. He shouldn’t be president. I hope he gets impeached. He does not represent me or my beliefs. He’s not my president. Bozo the clown would of been better.

        1. Good. And biden wasn’t mind either .I guess more then half the country felt he should be .go back.in mommy’s basement.

  6. I don’t know Mik but I applaud everything he says,I feel sorry for the USA ,most normal thinking people believe that trump is a joke

  7. It’s unfortunate that Disney is being caught up in all this political speculation.
    Very sad to see this country so angry and divided over politics.
    A president should be calming the different factions and bringing the country together, not inciting and inflaming the differences.
    The recently elected individual IS NOT a credit to America, but an embarrassment to it.

    Donald J Trump was the 45th President elected by the people
    Joe Stupid Biden was put in by crooked Democrats
    DONALD J TRUMP WAS RECENTLY ELECTED BY THE MAJORITY IF THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES AS THE 47thPresident of the United States in a fair and square election thank GOD Kamala was not!!! He won the election for a second term and due to this fact he should be memorialized by taking his HONORABLE PLACE IN THE HALL OF PRESIDENTS AS THE 47th PRESIDENT WITH HONORS

  9. I would avoid this attraction if I had to hear this buffoons voice or look at his orange face. I am so disappointed in the American people for voting for a felon he belongs in prison.

    1. He won by less than 1 percent
      But he did win
      America needs prayers we survive this term and instead of I me mine return to truth and justice respect and integrity I hope I live to see it

  10. Disney would be wise to follow tradition, adhere to conservative principles and reject the woke agenda. The country has finally awoken and swinging back to common sense, hard work, respect, law and order. It is laughable that so the called Democrats still resort to name calling, anger, racism, and identity politics. In reality the actual Democrats are leaving the party in droves due to it be overtaken by progressive socialists. The party is dying and has been for the last 16 years.
    The loud mouthed classless crowd has always been in the minority and it’s numbers have dramatically declined. Your parks would go back to being the happiest place on Earth with attendance figures increasing. Rather than the opposite effect of being boycotted by those who want a wholesome place to bring their children.
    IT IS A SIMPLE DECISION DISNEY… DO THE RIGHT THING. Restore your family friendly wholesome values.

  11. Trump should be front and center standing on that stage and this time disney really should get him.out of that skid row suite and placed in a new suite with a white shirt and red neck tie. And this should be all finished no later then mid February.

  12. But surely he is already there, so do something simple to acknowledge his current Presidency and the problem goes away.

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