Let’s face it: we all obsess over one thing or another. But, if you’re reading this, Disney World is probably one of those obsessions. When reading through this list you’ll find yourself guilty of at least one Disney obsessions.
1) You dream about Disney:
“A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep.” Cinderella definitely knew what she was talking about. Who doesn’t wish to be at Disney? A sure sign of a Disney obsession is dreaming about your next vacation.
2) You reminisce through Disney vacation pictures a little too often:
I’m so guilty of this one. Judge if you will, but I love to reminisce- especially of old Disney trips. I love looking through old photos, fast passes (yes, the “vintage” pieces of paper Walt Disney World has recently gotten rid of), and other pieces of memorabilia. It may be an obsession, but it’s a wonderful way to keep the memories alive!
3) You think about your next vacation when you haven’t even finished your current one:
Guilty. Again. Of course Disney does not help by leaving that folder of discounted offers in your resort room for your next vacation if you book within a certain amount of days… Who can help thinking about the next time you’ll visit Walt Disney World? It’s one of those vacations you’ll miss before you leave!
4) You have Disney radio saved on your phone:
I listen to Disney Pandora every day. Whether doing laundry, driving, or lounging around, it’s the perfect, upbeat soundtrack to my life. I couldn’t imagine a more magical way to start my day!
5) You incorporate Disney World into everyday conversation:
My friends know me for this for sure. I’m the “girl who loves Disney” in my family and friend group. Each of us have our passions, where our eyes light up and we get an adrenaline rush just talking about what we love. For me, that’s Disney. The obsession is real.
6) You look up Disney restaurant recipes on the internet:
If you didn’t know you could find Disney restaurant recipes on the Internet, today is your lucky day. Pinterest, allears.net, and others have updated recipes on their websites that are open to the public. I’ve been known to try out a few of my favorite Disney dishes from time to time to get a little taste of Walt Disney World from home.
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7) You know all the lyrics to Disney songs:
“Hakuna matata. What a wonderful phrase. Hakuna matata. Ain’t no ___________!” -I know you sang it. Disney soundtracks will always have those classic songs that us Disney addicts hold near and dear to our hearts. Who can resist a Disney jam session?
8) You see “Hidden Mickeys” on a daily basis:
You know you do this. I seriously cannot be the only one… Anything with three circles is automatically “a Mickey” through a Disney addict’s eyes.