Disney Lists

5 Reasons Why Your Baby is NOT Too Young for Disney World

Because I had developed my love for Disney long before my son was born, I knew without a doubt that my husband and I would be taking him to Walt Disney World as soon as we possibly could. Various coworkers and acquaintances echoed the sentiment to “wait until the baby was old enough to remember the trip”, but there are some many good reasons to take a little one to Disney World and have a fabulous time.

5. Baby Care Centers

Disney thought of everything a baby or toddler might need and stocked the Baby Care Centers with these essentials in a quiet, air conditioned building, complete with staff members, in each of the four parks. Large clean changing tables are available, a kitchen with a microwave, a feeding area with highchairs, and a private nursing room with rocking chairs. The baby centers also have a small store if you need to purchase baby food, diapers, baby wipes, sunscreen, juice, and over -the-counter medicines. The baby centers have been a lifesaver to my family on several occasions and are a great place to get out of the heat and give your baby some downtime in a cool, quiet environment.

4. Strollers

My family walks an average of 5-7 miles per day in Disney World, so a stroller is a must for little legs. Whether you want to bring your own stroller from home, rent a stroller from a local company and have it delivered to your resort room, or rent a stroller from one of the Disney parks, each options is easy and convenient. Once you have the stroller, there are convenient parking areas for them scattered throughout the parks so that you can enjoy the attractions. I suggest tying a brightly-colored scarf or ribbon to the handle so that you can find it quickly when it’s time to move on to the next area of the park. Some of the restaurants will even allow you to bring the stroller to your table if your little one is asleep. (This is at the discretion of the restaurant, however). Sometimes a reclining stroller makes a comfortable nap spot on the go, and you can enjoy shopping, a snack, or just people watching while the baby sleeps.

3. Rider Switch

There are more attractions in Walt Disney World WITHOUT a height restriction than attractions that have one, so there are many opportunities to stay together as a family. For the rides with a height restriction, Disney offers a “rider switch” pass that allows a member of your family to go on the attraction while the adult with the baby waits. Once the first person is done, you switch and the second adult is allowed to get in the Fast Pass line for their turn.

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2. You Can Easily Take A Break

If you’re staying on property, it’s easy to hop on a bus, monorail, or ferry to go back to your resort and take a nap, swim, or just relax in your room and recharge your batteries.

Babies and young children create a large amount of laundry, but it’s nice to know that laundry facilities are available so that you don’t have to pack every single outfit the child owns. If you’re staying in the Disney Vacation Club villas, the one-and two bedroom villas each have their own private washer and dryer. The other Disney resorts have shared laundry facilities by the pool areas, making it just as easy to wash and dry a load of clothes while the family is swimming or resting.

1. Memories

Buying your baby their first pair of Mickey ears on Main Street in the Magic Kingdom is a rite of passage. You can also get your baby’s first haircut at the Harmony Barber Shop on Main Street. The Cast Members who work there are very good at making each child feel comfortable. Plus, you’ll get a special certificate and a lock of hair as a keepsake.

My son doesn’t remember his first trip at 10 months to Walt Disney World, but we have the memories of how happy he was on “It’s a Small World”, the delight in his eyes when he heard the music from the afternoon parade, and the first time he got a hug from Mickey Mouse. He gets a kick out of seeing our pictures from those early trips, and we love being able to see how he enjoys the parks differently as he grows up. I am so glad we took our baby to Disney World, and hope that others won’t pass up this wonderful chance for great memories.


Melissa Fegely

I am a devoted Disney fan and Disney Vacation Club member of over nine years. Having visited Walt Disney World several times growing up, I really caught the Disney bug after many trips with my husband. Now I am happily addicted to taking our son to Walt Disney World as often as possible and watching him experience the magic and Mickey Bars as he grows up. Traveling to Walt Disney World twice a year, I enjoy attending the Flower and Garden festival held in the spring and strolling around the World Showcase, as well as exploring all of the hidden… More »

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