Most fans were all in when it came to Loki except for one thing.. the relationship between Loki and Sylvie.
As Loki only has his own best interests at heart, it makes sense the only person capable of finding a way directly into his heart would be another version of himself.
With the first season wrapping up with Sylvie, kicking Loki back into the wrong reality and then stabbing He Who Remains through the chest, season 2 might see some tension between them.
In a recent interview Kate Herron addressed the relationship.
“I feel like that kiss is a goodbye from Sylvie. And it’s painful. She is grabbing the TemPad, but I don’t think it’s not an earnest kiss from her. I think that it’s like, ‘Goodbye, but I have to do the mission’. And I think, for me, I always think of where she is emotionally at. It’s almost where Loki was in Thor. She’s driven by pain and revenge and anger, and our Loki has moved beyond that, now. He’s on a very different path, and he’s obviously done a lot of self-reflection and self-healing, his therapy with Mobius. I think that was really important for me as well with Loki in the time theater. When he lands in there, it’s like everyone feels like after a breakup or something when your heart is shattered.
But I think what was so important to me was that our Loki has been on such a journey, and he’s so much stronger now than when he started, and that’s why I wanted to film that shot that way, that we stay with him, but you see him sort of collect himself, and that Lokis always survive, and that he’s like, ‘Okay, that was terrible, but I’m very strong and I’m going to get through this’. I think that was really important to show. But how they meet again, what will come of them, that would be a question for the writers to go on. But yeah, I feel like Sylvie has a big journey to go on, similar to our Loki, in terms of where she’s at, at least at the moment.”
We will have to wait and see what comes of this duo in season 2.
What is your opinion on Loki and Sylvie?
Source: wegotthiscovered