Disney Resort HotelsNews

Disney Refused Room Change to All-Star Movies Guest With Bug Infested Room

Disney Resorts are the gold-standard of hotel rooms- clean, safe, close to the action, bug-free…err…usually. One guest, however, had a very different experience. When Joshua Keller checked in to All-Star Movies Resort this morning (September 10, 2022), he found that his room already had “guests” inside. His room was infested with disgusting bugs.

Bug infested Disney room
Credit: Streaming the Magic

Streaming the Magic shared photos and Keller’s experience. Here’s what went down, in his own words:

Checked into our room today to the surprise of over 20 of these bugs crawling all around the room, called immediately to the main desk, was then told we would have our room changed to a new one immediately and manager will speak with us.”

Bug infested Disney room
Credit: Streaming the Magic

“15-20 min of waiting goes by, [we] get a call back to the room telling us they won’t be changing our room but will send someone to clean it if we wanted! After spending our honeymoon at Disney the past 2 weeks (stayed at all-star sports for 5 nights and a 7 night cruise on the fantasy), to be treated this way is brutal.”

Bug Infested Disney room
Credit: Streaming the Magic

“As I’m typing this actively more bugs are continually crawling out of vents and under doors! I get this is that time of year, but they regardless shouldn’t be in a “cleaned” room.”

Bug infested Disney room
Credit: Streaming the Magic

That is certainly not the way anyone wants to begin a magical Disney World Vacation, let alone a honeymoon!  The bugs appear to be love bugs qhich are common in Central Florida and not dangerous to humans, but regardless, no one wants to stay in a room filled with bugs. This story does have a happy ending, however, thanks to the caring efforts of one Mousekeeper who arrived at the room to help. When she saw the level of infestation in the room, she made sure the Kellers got a new room.

“She was amazing,” Keller said, adding, “and [she] personally checked the room herself to ensure it was taken care of as well as providing us with a free meal voucher. She is very valuable to this resort and the only reason our stay was improved and made acceptable!”

We are so glad that this story had a happy ending. No one wants to stay in a room full of bugs. Mousekeepers are truly amazing and they work so hard to make guests feel welcome and at home during their stay. They truly are the unsung heroes of any Disney Vacation!



Jill Bivins

Jill Bivins has been visiting Disney Parks since she was 2 years old and loves sharing her Disney adventures with the world. She likes to say Disney is in her blood and writing is in her bones — so any time she has the opportunity to combine these loves she is one happy camper! She has a deep abiding love for Epcot and as a die hard Star Wars fan has a serious love for Hollywood Studios as well. When she isn't exploring or writing about Disney Parks, Jill is homeschooling her 8 year old son, playing with her brand… More »

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