Disney ListsParks

5 Reasons We Love Walt Disney World Parades

I think you either have to love parades or loathe them. But we love them. Here are five reasons why:

5. Music

Disney parades are super fun and generally super loud. Sometimes this can be a negative thing for certain people, but in the right atmosphere, this rambunctious energy is perfect. We love that the music in the parades just pumps up the guests in the audience. And this is typically music that everyone knows and loves, either from Disney movies or just music that has come to be loved simply through the parades.

4. Characters

Parades are so fun because they’re a great way to see all of your favorite characters in one place! Whether they come down on a float, as a float, or simply walk down the street so you can high five them, they’re all there. We love that even characters that are hard to track down in the parks can be seen here, like Merida and her brothers or Rapunzel and Eugene. And parades are almost always concluded with a visit by our favorite classic pals!

3. Floats

Disney is famously known for its stage shows and set designs. Well, I like to think of their floats as mini sets. They’re gorgeous and meticulously detailed for something guests are only going to see for a minute and a half. Each of these floats are made to tell a little bit of a story. And they’ve gotten so cool over the years! Floats now can swing and turn and open and rise and some floats are even massive bicycles. It’s so cool to see these giant masterpieces gliding down the street, with your favorite stories towering above you.

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2. Special Occasions

A cool thing about Disney’s holiday parties, like Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party and Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party, is that they get their own parades! These are so fun because they’re always all decked out and fully fun! The characters either have Halloween costumes or festive Christmas outfits and are adorable. We love it when the parks switch things up and special occasion parades are a great way to do that. In the past there were even Disney Channel and Star Wars parades. Always keep an eye out for new stuff!

1. Crowds

Bet you weren’t thinking “crowds” would be something we’d love, were you? To be fair, we don’t love being squished together or stepped on or so sweaty we might melt. But we do love experiencing parades together. Parades provide 14 minutes of focused attention, fun, and a temporary removal of real life. There is something magical about a little girl’s face lighting up when she sees Elsa. There’s something incredibly heartwarming about seeing a family dance together with the Incredibles. These are the moments that make Disney, Disney and it’s amazing that we get to share them together.

Molly Elias

Molly Elias has been a dedicated Disney fan since she was 18-months old. She has grown up with and learned from Disney her whole life. As her family's main vacation spot, Disney World is a place of love and laughter and magic for her. Her family also prides themselves on their Disney Cruise Line knowledge and would rather be on the high seas with Mickey than anywhere else in the world. Molly plans to keep Disney in her life forever, while also pursuing a writing career. She recently completed a master's program in creative writing in the hopes that someday… More »

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