
Major Changes at Magic Kingdom for Better Traffic Flow

Major Changes at Magic Kingdom for Better Traffic Flow

WDWMagic broke a fascinating story today.  You can find their story by Clicking HERE

For years traffic flow around Cinderella Castle and Main Street, U.S.A. has been an issue, particularly on busy days. Imagineers are set to change all of that. Construction had begun on a second ring around the main hub that will increase the number of walkways and also provide designated FastPass+ areas for parade viewing and to see the nightly fireworks.

In order to create the second ring, some of the landscaping will be cut back or removed completely and some of the waterways will shrink, but not be removed. Once completed, there will be fountains and topiaries added, as well as artificial grass in the viewing areas.

The project is already underway. Work has been completed near the Plaza Restaurant and Casey’s Corner. There will also be a new place to exit the park that runs parallel to Main Street, U.S.A., which will help to cut down on some of the congestion at the end of the night. Nothing has been officially announced by Disney.



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I grew up in Western Massachusetts. When I was nine my family went to Disneyland and I was hooked. I grew up, attended New England College in Henniker, NH and eventually moved to Virginia. I worked as a disc jockey, married and became a full time mom when our daughter was born. Fast forward several years. In 2010 we moved to Central Florida and my Disney obsession grew. I now work as a freelance writer and spend my spare time in the parks. Under the name Paula Brown I penned the novels Dream Wanderers and The Coffee Cruiser. I also… More »

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