Disney Junior revealed a new production called Alice’s Wonderland Bakery. This new production is an animated series that will focus on preschoolers and their families centering around Alice, the great-granddaughter of the original Alice who is striving to be a baker at the Wonderful Bakery.
D23 covered information about the new show, “Each episode of Alice’s Wonderland Bakery will feature two 11-minute stories that detail Alice’s recipe adventures with her best pals—Fergie, a white rabbit; Hattie, her madcap friend; and Rosa, the Princess of Hearts. The series, which is geared to kids ages 2–7 and their families, will celebrate the culture and creativity of food, highlight self-expression and impart age-appropriate social and emotional lessons about friendship, collaboration and community.”
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This new show is to debut in 2022 and will bring the magic of Alice to a new generation of kids. They hope to connect food and recipes with enchantment and heart that will be relatable to Disney Junior audiences.
Source: D23