Walt Disney World Resort, often referred to as “The Most Magical Place on Earth,” is a world-renowned destination that brings joy and enchantment to millions of guests each year. Families and individuals flock to the theme park to create unforgettable memories and escape into a world of fantasy. However, amidst the smiles and laughter, occasionally, the magic can take an ...
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The Crystal Palace at Walt Disney World
Join the Friendship Day Celebration at The Crystal Palace! Our friends from the Hundred-Acre Wood are having a party, and you’re invited. Location The Crystal Palace is located at the end of Main Street, U.S.A., right before Cinderella Castle. This dining location is just past other Main Street, U.S.A. restaurants like Casey’s Corner, The Plaza Restaurant, and the Plaza Ice ...
Read More »Are These Table Service Restaurants Overrated? You Decide! Round 3!
We’re back for another round of debate over five different table service restaurants at the Walt Disney World Resort. In Round 1 we covered ‘Ohana, Whispering Canyon Café, Be Our Guest Restaurant, Chef Mickey’s, and Le Cellier Steakhouse and in Round 2 we looked at California Grill, The Hollywood Brown Derby, Wine Bar George, Chef Art Smith’s Homecomin’, and Cinderella’s ...
Read More »The Best Brisket in Walt Disney World
Few types of cuisine are as indulgent as barbecue, which, in itself, can be quite diverse, depending on the region and area it’s being prepared in. No matter what style, a staple of barbecue is brisket, which is traditionally cooked over low heat for a lengthy amount of time to help break down the meat and create a flavorful and ...
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