Steamboat Willie, the iconic animated short film featuring the debut of Mickey Mouse, has entered the public domain as of 2024. This milestone event marks a significant shift in the availability and accessibility of this classic piece of animation history. As a result of its entry into the public domain, Steamboat Willie is now open for creative reinterpretation and exploration ...
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Walt Disney is Alive and Well in One Missouri City, and Residents Are Working Hard to Keep It That Way
A graphic designer in Kansas City, Missouri, is cashing in on Steamboat Willie’s trek into the public domain in a very inspiring way–by taking inspiration from the visionary genius of the man behind the legendary mouse and honoring him like never before. In late 2021, Disney fans became keenly aware of an important date looming in the future: January 1, ...
Read More »‘Steamboat Willie’ Is About to Become a Part of Your Nightmares
On January 1, 2024, Mickey Mouse as Steamboat Willie officially became a part of the public domain. That means that anyone can access the whistling captain and use him as they please. And Steamboat Willie is not the only one — Disney’s original Minnie Mouse, as well as the original images of Tigger from Winnie the Pooh, are also public ...
Read More »Celebrate Disney Animation’s 100th Anniversary with The Return of Classic Shorts
Here at, we adore, scratch that, we treasure Disney classics! As Walt Disney himself played a significant role in making many of the products that launched the Walt Disney Company into what it is today, we hold early works in high regard. They did impact the entire world of animation. In many instances, they even trailblazed a path for ...
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