Disney Jr. has officially greenlit Marvel’s Iron Man and His Awesome Friends, a groundbreaking animated series aimed at preschool audiences. Set for a summer 2025 premiere, this series introduces a young Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, along with his closest allies, Riri Williams (Ironheart) and Amadeus Cho (Iron Hulk). The series aims to engage a new generation of ...
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New Interview With Iron Man
Robert Downey Jr. has a long history in Hollywood. After decades in the spotlight, very few characters he has played are more iconic than Tony Stark/ Iron Man. He portrayed that character in nine Marvel Universe films (more if you count end-credit cameo scenes). Vanity Fair Interview The famous actor sat down to provide an interview with Vanity Fair, where ...
Read More »Pair of LEAKED “Fantastic Four” Actors Turn Down MCU Roles
It would seem that the promise of LEAKED casting for two prominent roles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s upcoming Fantastic Four project has officially fallen through. If you’re in the dark about the potential casting decisions, don’t worry; so were a lot of other Marvel fans who have been roaring for a new MCU-exclusive Fantastic Four film. We don’t blame ...
Read More »What the Avengers Would Order at Starbucks
Avengers assemble…at Starbucks! One of our previous articles about Mickey and friends ordering Starbucks got us thinking: what would the Avengers order? Think about it: the Avengers have absolutely crazy lives and schedules – they need something to keep them going. How’s Hulk going to smash without some caffeine? We can’t even get out of the house without caffeine. There’s ...
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