On June 14, Disney and Pixar released their newest animated film and highly anticipated sequel, Inside Out 2. The film saw the return of Joy (Amy Poehler), Anger (Lewis Black), Sadness (Phyllis Smith), Disgust (Liza Lapira), and Fear (Tony Hale), the voices who live inside Riley’s head. We last saw them in 2015, when Riley was struggling to adjust to her ...
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One Interesting Group Is LOVING ‘Inside Out 2’
In 2015, Disney and Pixar fans were introduced to a young girl named Riley, who struggled to deal with all the changes in her life after her parents moved from Minnesota to San Francisco. Inside Out told Riley’s story but in a unique way. Instead of focusing solely on Riley, the movie focused on the emotions inside Riley’s mind — ...
Read More »Official Rating Revealed for ‘Inside Out 2’ Following Disney’s Confirmation of Major Adolescence Storyline
Disney has confirmed the rating for Inside Out 2 (2024), which will be released theatrically in mid-June. The Success of Inside Out In 2015, Disney and Pixar once again teamed up to bring fans a new story, this one taking audiences directly into the mind of a young girl. Inside Out, directed by Peter Docter from a screenplay by himself, ...
Read More »Disney Reveals MULTIPLE Characters Cut From ‘Inside Out 2’
On June 14, Disney and Pixar will release their highly anticipated sequel film, Inside Out 2. The sequel film will continue to follow the story of Riley — a young girl who is struggling with her own sense of identity as she enters her teenage years — and the emotions that live in her head. In the original 2015 film, ...
Read More »‘Inside Out 2’ Star Reveals Why Film is Extremely “Personal”
In 2015, Disney and Pixar released a new film — Inside Out — that took us inside the mind of a young girl named Riley. Riley, who is just eleven years old, had her entire life upended when her parents moved from Minnesota to California. She has to deal with going to a new school, meeting new people, trying to make ...
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